Digital Photography & Imaging / Project 1

02.09.2022 – 30.09.2022 / Week 1 – Week 5
Hewr Khaled Mohamed Walid Bayazid / 0337650
DPI / Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons) (Broadcasting)
Project 1


WEEK 1 / Introduction to Digital Photography & Imaging

In the first week, we were introduced to the module. Mr. Martin addresses the following topics:

  • the importance of photoshop for graphic designers
  • the history of photograph manipulation
  • photograph manipulation after photoshop - digital imaging
  • tips of successful graphic designers
We were also briefed about our assignments for the entire semester.

Our tasks for the week were to play the Bezier game, create our e-portfolio blog, pick three designs from Pinterest that we particularly liked (with a brief explanation), and working on the first part of Project 1, the physical collages.

WEEK 2 / Introduction to Photoshop

We were introduced to Photoshop in week 2, focusing on the lasso tool, pen tool and layering. After the lecture, as we were supposed to work on our digital collages, Mr. Martin demonstrated how to go about the digital compositions by creating a simple digital collage himself.

Our tasks for the week were to finalise our physical collage based on the feedback given, and composing 3 different digital collages.

WEEK 3 / Photoshop Blending Modes

This week was a public holiday but we were required to read a short article about Photoshop's blending modes as well as watch a short tutorial.

The article highlighted the following blending modes:

  • multiple – darkens an image
  • screen - lightens an image
  • overlay - boosts contrast
  • color - blends only the color
  • luminosity - blends only the brightness

Our task for the week was to attempt the 'Shazam' exercise to understand how to use the quick selection tool, layer mask, filters and colour correction. After the exercise, we were supposed to use our own image to recreate the same task.

WEEK 4 / Digital Imaging

This week we were briefed about the recolouring task. Mr. Martin first demonstrated how to complete the exercise using Norman Lindsay's portrait, us also practicing along. We then completed a more advanced recolouring exercise, following Mr. Martin's tutorial.

Our task for the week was to work on our recolouring task for submission by selecting one of the images provided.


PROJECT 1 / Exercise 1 – Physical Collage

Compose a physical collage using cutouts from magazines or the like.

I first searched for collages on Pinterest and saved them for inspiration.

Fig 1.1, Pinterest board, 03/09/2022

Then, to create my pre-compositions, I first looked for magazines that I can use for my physical collage. I ended up choosing 2 books by Natural Geographic that I had bought a long time ago.

Fig 1.2, Books selected, 03/09/2022

I then cut out what I found most interesting and starting arranging the material I had into different compositions.

Fig 1.3, Material, 03/09/2022

Fig 1.4, Material, 03/09/2022

I composed 4 different collages, and then selected 3 to get feedback on. I personally liked pre-composition #1 the most as it looks the most complete to me, as well as communicates a message. While I liked pre-composition #4, it seemed that it was lacking meaning, so I ended up selecting the first 3 collages.

Fig 2.1, Pre-composition #1, 03/09/2022

Fig 2.2, Pre-composition #2, 03/09/2022

Fig 2.3, Pre-composition #3, 03/09/2022

Fig 2.4, Pre-composition #4, 04/09/2022

Final Physical Collage
After feedback from Mr. Martin, I finalised my physical collage.

Fig 3.1, Final Physical Collage, 11/09/2022

I removed some of the elements from my first pre-composition as I thought it lacked emphasis. I also decided to change the background into white for better contrast.

The collage contains elements that are personally important and valuable to me – the beauty of the world, nature, and women – and reflects a part of me.

PROJECT 1 / Exercise 2 – Digital Collage

Compose an A4 digital collage using only the images provided.

Process & 
I first downloaded the images provided and started playing around with the compositions.

Fig 4.1, Process, 11/09/2022

I ended up creating 4 different digital collages, and later selected 3 to receive feedback on.

Fig 4.2, Pre-composition #1, 11/09/2022

Fig 4.3, Pre-composition #2, 11/09/2022

Fig 4.4, Pre-composition #3, 11/09/2022

Fig 4.5, Pre-composition #4, 11/09/2022

Final Digital Collage
After Mr. Martin's feedback, I finalised my digital collage.

Fig 5.1, Final Digital Collage, 25/09/2022

PROJECT 1 / Digital Imaging 1 – You in Hearst Mansion

Based on the guidelines provided, I first took a photo of myself. This took me a few attempts as I had no one help me take a photo. After feedback from Mr. Martin, I decided to retake the photo again and redo the exercise.

Fig 6, You in Hearst Mansion (Process), 30/10/2022


Fig 7, You in Hearst Mansion (Final), 30/10/2022

PROJECT 1 / Digital Imaging 2 – Recolouring

I first chose a photo to recolour from the photos provided.

Fig 8.1, Original Recolouring Image, 25/09/2022

Then, as instructed, I picked two photos for my references for the hair and skin.

Fig 8.2, Hair & Skin References, 25/09/2022

I then started recolouring the image, following the same steps from our practical exercise.

Fig 8.3, Recolouring Process, 25/09/2022


Fig 9, Recolouring Exercise (Final), 25/09/2022


Week 2
In this week, we received feedback on our physical collage pre-compositions. Mr. Martin liked my first pre-composition best among the three, but asked me to change the orientation of the images.

Week 3 
(Public Holiday)

Week 4

We received feedback on our digital collage pre-compositions. Mr. Martin liked pre-composition #1 the best, but asked me to further explore with blending modes.

Week 5
This week I showed Mr. Martin all of my final work for Project 1. He approved all of my work but asked me to rework on the first digital imaging exercise.



During these 5 weeks, I personally enjoyed the classes as well as the process of working on the project, especially composing the collages. Coming from a very stressful semester, I found the lectures to be very easily digestible. I particularly enjoyed composing the physical collages as I could express myself through it. What I found a bit difficult was the first digital imaging exercise as I do not enjoy taking photos of myself.

Something I observed is that I am able to better work after looking at references for inspiration – starting from nothing is something I usually struggle with. I also noticed that the weekly check-ins helped me be more productive and procrastinate less.

Throughout Project 1, I learned how to effectively put various material together to communicate something meaningful, whilst utilising different design concepts. In the beginning, I was doubtful of my work, however receiving good feedback has helped me feel more confident in skills. Another thing I learned was that aiming for perfection from the very beginning can discourage me – I must first start, and then take the process step by step, and improve as I move forward.


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